About Us

Frontpageghana.com is online portal powered by SAMOSAG MEDIA which seeks to give readers balanced and credible news from across Ghana and the world. A credibility and strong brand of well-established news portal that seeks to establish a close relationship with its readers and advertisers.
It’s a Ghanaian private owned news portal, and as our motto says “Promoting Good Governance & Protecting Democracy”, will always be our watch-word.
SAMOSAG MEDIA and its subsidiaries are independent minded, not attached to any political party, religious, racial or interest groups.
SAMOSAG MEDIA which also publishes Front Page Newspaper was established in September 2010, and its only interest is to give voice to the voiceless and where the voiceless is crying wolf and there is none, we lay the facts bare.
We judge and hold political parties and stories that come to us with one test: is it publishable, has it been checked, cross-checked and double-checked?
If it is, we are all for it, if not; we will not hesitate to say no. Our tone is and will always be non-judgemental, fair, and objective. In all cases will strive to include all relevant opinions and ensure that no significant strand of thought is neglected.
Our Vision is to be a global household name that provides quality, factual and unadulterated content to our consumers.
Our mission is to play a leading role in fostering and concretising the practicality of the primary responsibility of informing, educating and entertaining. To achieve this purpose we will be tactful in our reportage and the media service we offer our clients.
We also publish news articles from many other websites and credit them as such. We are not LIABLE to any views, comments or opinions as expressed by readers.
We aim to be a listening media organisation that deals with and reflects the issues that most concern those we serve.
Articles/comments and adverts are safe with us with our 24hour SSL which provides comprehensive, cloud-based website security solutions for businesses of all size and hackers from tampering with our content.

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