How to enjoy better sex as you grow older


The desire for intimacy is timeless; as a result, sexual health is very fundamental at any age.
Sex may not be the same as it was when you were a lot younger, but, the sexual feelings does not disappear, and it can be very fulfilling.
Love making is a very powerful emotional experience.
It is also a great tool for protecting and improving well being.
Once over 50 years of age, sex can present challenges; you may get turned off by stuffs that are connected with aging process.
These issues are not insurmountable. With an open mind and better understanding, you could continue to enjoy a physically and emotionally fulfilling sex life. So, it is not about age but desire.
There is no age limit when it has to do with being intimate. It’s ageless as studies now confirm that no matter what your gender is, you can enjoy sex for as long as you want.
Though naturally, intercourse at age 70 or 80 may not be like it used to be at age 20 or 30, of course, it can be better. Being older and wiser, you now know what works best for you when it has to do with your sexual life.
With age, people often have a lot of self confidence, self awareness and getting release from unrealistic ideals of the younger age and prejudices of others.
Children are now all grown up and less work to do, spouses are better able to relax and take pleasure in each other’s company without the old usual distractions. Many adults worry about love making in later years, and end up turning away from any form of sexual encounters, while others feel ashamed by their aging body and performance often caused by ill-health. If not properly handled with an open mind, a temporary circumstance can become a permanent one.
This can actually be avoided, by being proactive, whether you are seeking to restart, or spice up your sex life as it will be important for you to experiment new things or get a Sex therapist/coach’s help if possible.
The simple truth is that, there is so much you can do to compensate for the normal changes that come with old age. With the right information and support system, your later years could be an exciting and pleasurable time to explore both the emotional, and sensual aspects of your sexuality.
It’s no longer a hidden secret that copulation has a lot of advantages. A new study suggests that making love often, helps you from aging. This is possible if you indulge in it for a certain number of times each week.
Researchers claim that regular sex can lengthen your telomeres, which promotes better physical health and improve mental health as it burn fat, cause the brain to release endorphins and reduce anxiety drastically.
A good sex life can add years, and gives you the chance to escape from the sometimes harsh realities of the world. It also helps to solidify the opportunity to express the closeness of your deepest relationship as you age.
Focus on intimacy and physical touch most importantly, as good sex life at any age involves more than just penetration. Take the pressure off by putting aside your old ideas of what sex ought to be; instead, concentrate on the significance of tenderness and body contact.
It is possible you may not be comfortable with certain sex positions as you once were. But, this does not mean you have to give up an activity that is pleasurable for you. Find out what works for you now. This may call for some sort of creativity.
Make use of the following tips as inspiration and let nothing stop you from improvising your own.
-Do experiment and try sexual positions that you and your spouse find pleasurable and comfortable. For men with erectile dysfunction, allow the woman to be on top, as the hardness is less important. Women using water based lubrication or saliva can come in handy for vagina dryness.
-Expand what intercourse means to you like holding hands, sensual massage, gentle kissing, masturbation and oral sex are all ways to share passionate feelings. All these could serve as a fulfilling substitute to sex.
At this stage, it might take quite a longer time for you and your spouse to get aroused.
Try to spend extra time on foreplay to set the mood for romance like eating out, going to the movie or an evening of dancing.
You can actually start by having extensive touching and kissing.
-Try as much as possible to be playful with your significant other.
This is very vital for a good sex life irrespective of your age. Get to tease or tickle your spouse. Do whatever it takes to have some kind of fun. Despite the challenges you may be experiencing physically, mentally or emotionally, being playful may just be the gateway for both of you to relax.
-For the above to happen, you have to change your routine. As simple, creative changes can help your love life. Get to change the time of day when you have intercourse, to a comfortable time when you’re most energetic. For instance, try indulging in sex in the early hours of the day rather than waiting till night fall.


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