Parliamentary and Defence Press Corps unify for end-of-year fun fest at Burma Camp

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The Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) and the Defence Press Corps (DPC) came together for a joyous fun festival at Burma Camp to conclude the year with laughter, camaraderie, and friendly competition.

The event, held on Saturday 23rd December 2023, featured a diverse array of games, turning the Burma Camp into a lively arena for both the PPC and DPC members.

The festivities included classic fun games such as ludo, the lemon race, an eating competition, the tug of peace, a witty game of draft, and a spirited football match that brought out the competitive yet jovial spirit among the participants.

fun games

Families joined in on the fun, adding an extra layer of warmth and inclusivity to the gathering.

Children cheered on their parents, spouses rooted for their loved ones, and the overall atmosphere resonated with the joy of togetherness.

The event aimed not only to foster unity among the members of the two press corps but also to create an open space for families to partake in the fun.

fun games

Laughter echoed through Burma Camp as participants engaged in friendly banter and showcased their skills in the various games. The ludo boards saw intense battles, the lemon race brought outbursts of speed, and the eating competition tested participants’ gastronomic prowess.

The highlight of the day was the “tug of peace,” a play on the traditional tug of war, symbolizing the collaborative efforts between the two press corps.

fun games

The friendly competition extended beyond the games, emphasizing the shared bond and mutual respect between the Parliamentary and Defence press professionals.

The football match played with enthusiasm and good sportsmanship, served as a fitting conclusion to the day’s events.

Amidst cheers and applause, both teams displayed skillful moves, showcasing the unity that can be found beyond the confines of the press room.

The day concluded with a hearty Kenkey,  khebab, and drinks party.

The participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to come together in a different setting, strengthening the ties between the Parliamentary Press Corps and the Defence Press Corps.

The fun game at Burma Camp not only added a joyful chapter to the year-end festivities but also underscored the importance of camaraderie and collaboration among media professionals.


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